Tuesday 30 July 2013

Review:VO5 Ultimate Hold Weather Resistant Hairspray

Hey guys! So as you have probably guessed by the title this review is going to be dedicated to VO5 Ultimate Hold Weather Resistant Hairspray. Honestly guys if you are looking for a cheap, good quality hairspray this is the bomb dot com. Anyways...So why is this hairspray so affective? This hairspray is amazing at holding curls or straight hair all day. It also doesn't have a nasty smell and it doesn't settle in one area even when you don't comb through it. It also has a super long lasting affect and I could go out for hours in wind ,rain and even humidity and my hair wont budge. Alright guys...I know what your thinking....if my hair doesn't budge wont it be hard to remove the hairspray. The answer is NO! It comes out as easy as washing your hair normally and doesn't affect or damage my hair after using it. It also doesn't leave your hair sticky which is the main thing I look for in a good quality hairspray. Overall I love this <3

Overall Rating=10/10 ....Why haven't you got this already?

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