Tuesday 30 July 2013

Our Shopping Makeup look!

Hey guys! Good Morning,it's a new day and time to get ready and go out shopping so We're going to give you some tips and helpful hints:

   EYELASH CURLER (optional)

 1st: Get your cincealer and cover up any blemishes, hyperpigmentation or dark circles on your face and blend in with your finger or brush (finger gives more natural affect)
2nd: Get the powder and use a brush to apply onto your face  to set your concealer. This will prevent your concealer from disappearing and it will also keep your skin looking matte and healthy! Tip: blow off all the excess powder on the brush before applying to the face).
3rd: Take your eyelash curler (depending on whether you choose to take this step)  and curl you lashes and hold on the upper lid for at least 30 seconds and your ready for the next step!

4th: Get your fave mascara and apply this to your eyelashes and be extra careful not to get it on your upper lid, however if this does occur wait for the mascara to dry and remove with a cotton pad dipped in makeup remover. This will prevent any further smudging.

  5th: Apply some of your fave lip-gloss to your lips remembering to keep in your natural lip line. Tip: if you wanna look extra sassy then go for a bright coloured lip gloss and it will bring more attention to your lips if your have dark or red eyes.
   And your ready to go and shop your heart out...have fun!

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